April 28, 2013

Coming Home

Hello friends!

The end of April usually means one thing for the university student: it's time to come home. As much as I love my school and the freedom it gives me, there's nothing like getting a couple of weeks home. There's nothing like coming back to those familiar black doors, eating the hot, spicy Indian food that you had been eating since you were a wee child, and sinking into your Queen-sized bed for a good night's sleep.

Best of all, coming home gives me the time to breathe. Like I said, I love my school but amidst all the hustle-and-bustle of studying for and taking those tricky final exams and partying once they're over, you forget to breathe a little. Especially when you realize you only have just under 2 weeks before you have to head back.

Nothing like chilling by the front lawn and enjoying the fresh afternoon breeze.
      2009-01-01 02.44.15

2009-01-01 02.44.58      

My dad bought a house for little birdie but I've yet to see a bird there. Boo.
2009-01-01 02.50.46      2009-01-01 02.54.19

2009-01-01 03.01.05      2009-01-01 03.01.41

It's good to be home.
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