April 2, 2014

30 Before 30

I haven't been updating this blog as much lately because  I just haven't had the best few weeks. Between term papers due pretty much every week to midterms and lab reports, this little baby has been ignored. Oops? It also may have something to do with the fact that I just haven't felt inspired enough to write in general.

Picture taken from a Wallpaper app on Android. 

But it's time to break that cycle and I want to do it with a simple post that I've been seeing a lot of lately: the 30 before 30. Basically, it's a list of 30 things that I want to do before I turn 30. I have just over 7 years to get everything in this list done but I'm determined to see it through.

1. Write (and publish) a book.
2. Graduate school. //completed
3. Tour the Warner Bros. HP studio in London.
4. Spend a month or two travelling around Europe.
5. Go back to India for at least a month and spend time with family there.
6. Get a tattoo. //completed.
7. Spend Christmas/NYE in New York City.
8. Go back to Harry Potter land (Wizarding World of HP) in Florida.
9. Get my own apartment.
10. Get a dog (or two!).
11. Take a road trip.
12. Figure my shit out -- answer the age-old "What am I doing with my life?" question.
13. Begin a clean-eating journey.
14. Complete The Happiness Project.
15. Learn HTML and Photoshop.
16. Become a better person in general.
17. Commit to something - anything - wholeheartedly.
18. Learn to appreciate the simpler things in life.
19. Constantly tell those I care about that I love them.
20. Skydive.
21. Go on the biggest roller coaster in the world - wherever that is.
22. Learn to swim.
23. Keep this blog updated consistently.
24. Learn more patience - especially with my parents.
25. Become more fit and healthy.
26. Learn to keep in touch with my friends without flaking.
27. Keep writing. Write, write, write.
28. Go to the Tomorrowland music festival. Or Osheaga. Or even Coachella.
29. Be more comfortable in my own skin and become more confident in my abilities. Let the past go.
30. Learn how to read music and eventually, learn how to play the piano.

+31. Be more happy. Discover what happiness means to me and push for it.

Do you have a 30 before 30 list? 

If not, I highly recommend you make one. Not only does it give you the chance to really look deeper into yourself but by the end, you may just realize what you give the most importance to. 

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