June 15, 2013

Recipe: 10-Minute Nutella Cookies

I've been trying to bake more. I have never been a baker but sometimes you just get a craving to eat something sweet but you have nothing. This time, I was getting a craving for something chocolate-y but the idea of Nutella on a piece of toast didn't fit my craving. So whilst surfing blogs, I came across this stellar 10-minute Nutella cookies recipe.
The best part (aside from the Nutella goodness)? It only uses 3 ingredients.
- 1 cup Nutella
- 1 cup flour
- 1 egg
Just mix all the ingredients together until the mixture begin to look like a crumbled mess. The dough isn't going to look like what you might find when making regular cookies--be aware of this fact and don't freak out like I did! Once it's thoroughly mixed, start scooping out little bits of the dough and roll the scoop into a ball like below:
Now I forgot to take a picture of this part but with the back of a spoon, just push down on the little balls to make the cookie shape. Then simply bake for about 7-8 mins in the oven at 370 degrees. Let them cool and enjoy with a glass of milk!
These cookies aren't the sweetest but they're absolutely divine! After 2-3 cookies, I guarantee you'll need a cold glass of milk. This recipe is great for people who don't have a lot of baking experience and want to make something to satisfy a craving in less than 10 minutes. If you try this, comment below and let me know how they turned out!

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